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Feb 6, 2009

February blooms

What's on the Agenda this month?

Feb 8. Dhedhe's Birthday. Ulmie's too, i guess hehe
>>> ralat! Ulmie's Feb 1. <<<

Feb 9. Meeting Putri and Dave.
Miss you put.

Feb 13. Wide's Birthday.
I will kill him for getting off his obligation to get together on his birthday last year!

Feb 14. Reno's Wedding day.
Well baby boy... Good luck. I love you and I wish you all the best.
Sorry i can't come to Yogya. I say a little prayer for you, dear.

Feb 14. Dinner with Sigit, Edwin, and Ayu.
Haven't meet them for a while now. I have an open weekend actually hehe..

Feb 15. Arisan Stece.
Reunion! Siapa aja yang bakalan dateng ya?

February. Melbourne :)


What say you?